All posts by adrienne

29/12/10 Skip to the Loulé….

It’s an overcast day, but we decide to venture out in an effort to reconstitute after the Christmas port. Loulé is a  town recommended by some people we met, so off we skip…

There’s public art…..    

…. history…..

…one engineer and statesman by the name of Duarte Pacheco (1899-1943) was born here…

…as well as bare-faced commercialism…

Notice the temperature is 15°, and I’m complaining, although I’ve heard its 2° in Lincoln!

We wander the backstreets…

There’s a castle…

and a museum, a 13th century Gothic church and an ancient bell tower…

…as well as a few art galleries and the usual quota of pottery shops. Oh, and I’m in danger of becoming obsessed with steps again…just wondering how that car is going to drive down them….

Perhaps not!

23/12/10 Boas Festas! (Happy Christmas!)

We take a trip into Faro on the train to visit the museum. Housed in an old convent, it’s an eclectic mix of contemporary experimental art and Roman artefact along with a sample historic Islamic living area. It’s nicely presented though, with sensitive and imaginative commentaries and I find some of it strangely moving. Definitely worth a visit for a couple of Euros.

After that, it’s a cup of coffee while we wait for it to grow dark (around 5.30pm) so that we can feast our eyes on the Christmas lights. There’s a lovely atmosphere, with street musicians and a group of young people singing Portuguese carols, and the streets are just busy enough to enjoy but not too packed, and look at the lights…

The ticket collector wishes us a “Boas Festas” as we step off the train on to the platform at Fuzeta, as I do to you all!

21/12/10 Winter Solstice

OK, so the short days and the rain got to me and I waxed lyrical… the first downright silly, the second, more serious, I guess… comments, please!

Shortest Day (Silly Solstice Song from the Algarve)

Let’s celebrate the shortest day, where the sun is short and we’re short of rays; we’re looking for the shortest bird with the shortest name, but that’s absurd, we’re short of cash and we’re short of breath and we’re quite clearly in a meth, which you might say if filled your mouth too full with crisps, which is, surely, what you do at Crispmas time, apart from making poems that don’t quite rhyme, but the aim is to make the shortest cake, walk the shortest walk, go the shortest way on the shortest day, because there’s too much to fit in to too few hours when the light’s not bright and you’re short on power. So let’s write the shortest poem and we won’t quite mind if  the words are short and the rhymes don’t fit, so here it is, and I have to quit, because I’m short on time on the shortest day, which gives me something very short to say which I hope won’t make you short with me – Yorkshire in its origins, you see…it’s quite simple: E.


Winter Solstice on the Ria Formosa

Breakers lumber in, threaten the sand-spit; 

this side, shrubby flats succumb to silent flow,

heather drowns, moon sponsors encroachment…

Wings of gull, spoonbill, egret widen a grey sky

flock to straight-edge the salt pans, the shy heron too,

once landed, now slow to distance our approach.

We stand and watch an eddy’s corkscrew draw of water

toss sticks disappear down, down, surge out into  another pool

like a passing of winter days into Spring.

12/12/10 Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo

With a name like that, who could resist a visit on a cool grey day? Beautiful countryside going up into cactus covered hills and Sta Catarina is pretty enough – at least the centre. Actually it’s a bit like an unripe nut; when you get to the centre there ain’t much there. Except a church….

And on the outskirts there’s an agricultural cooperative with a huge ugly building reminiscent of the industrial north.

There’s a bowling club, a school, health centre, shop, a very large crematorium and several Santa Claus hanging from balconies as if there’s been a mass suicide. Well, it must be a depressing time for the old fella – nobody can afford to buy any presents. After all, Portugal is struggling like the other European economies. Maybe they’ve sold all the inhabitants here for the slave trade – there’s hardly a sole to be seen…

9/12/10 Internet Day

Terry decides to have an internet day. It’s gloriously sunny so he battles with dodgy connections on the terrace. Only trouble is, it’s too sunny to see the screen. He sits there with a towel over his head like a 1920’s photographer…

Good job you can’t hear the cursing that’s going on…

8/12/10 Moncarapacho

It seems to have been raining buckets all night; the street is a river and the area of fake grass below our apartment appears to have morphed into a green swimming pool. However, it manages to stop raining, though it’s incredibly dull and humid, and a glimpse of the sun tempts us out. We taper our plan to visit St Catarina, however, as the mountains are covered in cloud and we can see sheets of rain needles spearing the hillsides. We confine ourselves to wandering around the deserted streets of Moncarapacho…

 – a pleasant little town with a few cafés, a free internet zone, a house in primary yellow …

a church…

…some interesting stone work…

 and a museum that appears to be closed though the opening hours on the plaque outside would indicate otherwise…

Anyone we do meet stares at us as if we are objects of extreme curiosity, apart from one lady who stares at us, smiles and says Boa Tarde (Good afternoon).

4/12/10 Lost in the Algarve…

Terry and Colin heave themselves out of bed at the crack of dawn to go to Faro airport. I say goodbye to Colin for the second time. Terry arrives back around 9 a.m. just in time for breakfast. At 10.10 a.m. we receive a call from Colin to say his flight is cancelled. It’s not snow this time; it’s an impromptu strike by Spanish air traffic control, which means that all Easyjet flights are cancelled. We drive to Faro airport and pick Colin up again. Next flight available tomorrow night. Will Colin ever escape Fuzeta? Watch this space…

2/12/10 On the banks of the Olhão

We trek into Olhão and explore the port’s centre, starting with a wonky cube…

and a slightly more wonky house…

We wander past the seventeenth century Nossa Senhora do Rosário…

and through some intriguing back streets, where I seem to get a little obsessed with doors…

…until we arrive on the sea front…


…which is very pleasant indeed with its park gardens and long promenade, apart from bumping into some old fogie with no teeth, whose name, medals or no medals, has been worn away from the plaque…

and inevitably, another stork’s nest…

I take it the chimney’s not in use…

1/12/10 Domingo and his Amigos .

Terry and I decide that we must show Colin Fuzeta’s nightlife at its best, so we troop down to a little wooden hut next to the fishing boats dotted along the harbour.

There’s already a buzz though it’s early, only 9.45pm and we know the action won’t start for at least another half an hour. No hope of a seat – ah, but what’s this? A lady sitting alone at a table for four beckons us over – there is room for us with her. Must have known there would be a catch.

Gradually the musicians trickle in and begin a prolonged tuning up and re-arranging of cables, with  much “um” “dois” “três” into the microphones, reminiscent of Terry’s times playing with some amateurs in the UK. The room has filled up and at last the music begins. Terry and Colin order a bottle of wine and two glasses, which our table companion assures us in basic English is “very good”. The barman apologises that he hasn’t any cheap bottles left. This expensive one will set Terry back seven euros…

Of course we’ve heard Domingo and his amigos play before, but we still appreciate that they’re pretty damn good. Domingo’s voice sears into the songs whilst the young lad (who I suspect is his son) plays a mean lead guitar. There’s a young lad on bass, one on rhythm, and on the drums, one with long black dangly hair and the beginnings of a need to shave his upper lip, who attacks the kit with verve. They play Metallica, U2, Guns and Roses, Kansas and….other music not entirely to my taste (though it would have been once) but the pace really gets me going, and the crowd are loving it.

Somebody who we think is the band’s manager, or at least, he thinks is the band’s manager, struts around for a minute or two, before standing for the rest of the evening outside the hut looking in through the window at the band with a self-important half-smile on his face. Every so often, the half-smile converts to a half-nod of approbation.

There’s a young lad in a black leather jacket and with multiple face piercings who, had we been in Shakespearean times, I would have described as the court jester. He struts around playing air guitar even before the music begins, eyeballing everyone and flicking a paper straw in the air. When he gets loud, the bar man tells him off. He seems unperturbed.

We’re scarcely into the second number when our table companion leans forward and asks if she could have a drink. Terry offers to get another glass to share the wine. No, she says, I’ll have something different. She calls the barman over and speaks into his ear. He brings sambuca, which costs Terry a couple of euros, and at the same time she cadges a cigarette from the barman. Yes, there’s not a smoking ban here unfortunately.

We’re all sitting in our coats as the hut isn’t heated and it’s a pretty cold night again. A woman in a brown fur coat and a red trilby is seated like a queen at the table behind. A woman in a leopard skin effect trouser suit with pink tights, red shoes and a red scarf clashes beautifully in the surroundings. Our table companion wanders over to her and whispers in her ear. The woman in the leopard skin suit looks uncomfortable and digs evasively into her handbag shaking her head. Our table companion cadges another cigarette from the barman.

The group of fishermen standing by the bar sway their beer bottles in time to the music. A couple rise from their table and begin to dance. They must be well over seventy but they dance as if they were twenty, only somewhat more slowly. The woman backs flirtatiously into the neck of Domingo’s acoustic guitar. Domingo pushes the couple gently away. They carry on dancing until perhaps wine has got the better of them and the woman stumbles unceremoniously to the floor. Her partner helps her up, and they continue tottering in time to the music.

Our table companion has cadged more sambuca from the man behind her. Plus a cigarette. The court jester has meantime become extremely enthusiastic about the music and is standing in front of Domingo, mirroring his movements, blocking the audience’ view of Domingo. This doesn’t go down at all well with Domingo, who loves to be watched, and to be fair, is a great showman, pulling Marty Feldman eyes as he sings and grimacing with jaw askew into the microphone. His hands leave the guitar and plant themselves firmly upon each collar of the leather jacketed fool, swinging him with perfect force to one side, exactly to the beat of the music. Wonderful choreography, Domingo! The fool, perhaps a little ruffled, goes and sits on a step behind the wobbly dancing couple. Perhaps not the safest of places; twice the man leans Pisa-style towards me and I ready myself for an emergency exit!

The table companion has vacated the table and is roaming the hut cadging more sambuca and cigarettes, including from the lady in the fur coat. Throughout all, nobody seems to get upset or angry; it’s all a matter of course, accompanied by good-humoured smiles. Meanwhile Domingo’s rocking! Until, that is, two of his amigos have to go home to bed as they’ve school the next day, I guess, and two more amigos open up their guitar cases. The show goes on…